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Private Yoga Session

Yoga for YOUR Body - Because you’re not every-body:

When you choose to participate in private yoga sessions, you are choosing to learn more about yourself. Whether you have never stepped foot on a mat or are a very experienced yogi, your yoga practice will deepen your yoga experience with private yoga sessions. 

New Yogis Need Guidance:

More and more physicians are recommending yoga as part of a healthier living plan. This means that there are more types of classes available to choose from in your local studios. So, which yoga practice is the best for YOU?

Taking a private lesson will help us understand  what classes are right for you. After working with you one-on-one, I’ll have the information needed to better recommend classes or instructors that will meet your needs, goals, and practice style.

Injuries need private yoga:

Your injuries make you even more unique. Private yoga sessions allow you to learn about the specific needs of your body. Often times simple modifications to a yoga practice can make what seems impossible an easy and therapeutic task. Further, during private yoga sessions, I have the opportunity to learn the nuances of you and can make recommendations for your healing and progression in practice - helping you get back to your full potential and avoiding further injury.

Your body, like water, will follow the path of least resistance which, many times, is a path to injury and pain. We all have patterns of movement that our bodies prefer because the motion is effortless and mindless. During your private yoga session, I’ll have the opportunity to observe and identify these patterns of movement that could cause you harm. I will help you practice with mindfulness, so that your consciousness and unconscious behaviors reinforce your physical well being.

Get the most of your time with private yoga:

As a chiropractor and Yoga instructor who teaches and practices on a regular basis, I feel that private sessions are necessary to assure you are getting the most of the time you are spending on your mat. Having a yoga instructor’s energy and mindfulness focused on YOU is the best way to experience the healing power of yoga and enhance your practice.

Please dress comfortably and bring your mat.

To schedule private sessions or ask questions please email me: jennamooneydc@gmail.com